
First, a specially designed survey is executed in the mail and online. Through a series of carefully worded questions—customized for the institution—the respondent categorizes their primary motivation for supporting your institution. When complete, records are then coded, based on participant response. Non-responders are appended with an inferred NOBLE code.


Optional follow-up outreach materials are custom tailored, based on NOBLE codes. These efforts are far more effective and efficient than routine outreach efforts.

Identifies who has already designated your institution in their will, and who intends to—generating immediate leads


Determines giving preferences (annual, major initiatives, or other high-potential areas)


NOBLE segments drive more personalized communications for follow-up activities

"Of $1 million + gifts made in 2012, higher education captured the largest percent (37%) of $70.5 billion."

London-based bank Coutts and the Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy

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